
ACCIONA's Property Development Business, in close partnership with ACCIONA Group's R&D&I department, works on national and international projects

At ACCIONA, we see R&D&I as a driver of change and a tool for continuous improvement. We base our growth on leadership and technological excellence, which enables us to increase the productivity and quality of our products and services, as well as the satisfaction of our customers and employees.

In this way we promote the development of new construction processes, we look for new materials, equipment and facilities to incorporate in our developments and heritage buildings in order to improve the parameters of sustainability and quality while reducing deadlines. We believe in the need for research, development and technological innovation and are confident that this is the way to improve the quality of life and comfort of our clients.

Main areas of innovation:


  • Mixed reality: we develop virtual experiences to facilitate the approach to our projects without the need to be present in person.
  • Robotics: we use point clouds and drones to speed up construction surveys.
  • Digitalisation: we work collaboratively with the different agents involved, using BIM methodology. We are constantly evolving digitally, investing in new technologies that allow us to improve the efficiency of our projects.
  • Domotics: we equip our developments with intelligent tools to control the homes and thus increase the quality of life of our clients.


  • Industrialisation: we promote offsite construction. We are aware that the construction sector needs to maximise quality and opt for solutions with high quality controls and less environmental impact.
  • 3D printing: we seek to incorporate this methodology in our projects, allowing us to save time and opt for innovative solutions.
  • Innovative materials: in conjunction with ACCIONA's various technological innovation centres, we incorporate a range of innovative construction solutions: recycled materials, efficient methodologies, etc...

Projects Funded by European Union

ACCIONA participated in the develop of "The Digital Platform for the Management of Industrialized Building Components"

Energy efficiency in home building

At ACCIONA we strive to make progress towards energy-efficient new build properties.

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